Band Dues

All students in Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, and Beginning Band are required to pay their $50 band dues to the Independence Band Boosters.

This can be covered by the Dollars for Days fundraiser.

Students participating in Marching Band and Color Guard are required to pay their $350 marching band dues to the Independence Band Boosters.

Payment plans are available. Please contact our treasurer, Nellie Johnston, to make payment arrangements.

Dollars for Days

As a reminder, for the month of September we are running our "Dollars for Days" band fundraiser. Students collect donations corresponding to the day of the month, starting with $1 on the first day and increasing by a dollar each day.

We urge everyone to join in and contribute to the success of our band by participating in Dollars for Days. Your donations, no matter how small or large, make a significant impact on our ability to continue creating music.

Click Here to Participate

The Band Boosters Need You!

The purpose of the Independence Band Boosters is for ALL parents to support the band program in its vision and educational goals for the students by fundraising, coordinating parent/volunteer support, and fostering team spirit.

It is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month from September to June.


All band members should have completed:

Syllabus Agreement Form

Loan Agreement Form

Remind Sign Up

Google Form

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