Incoming 9th graders and New band members

Hey, future Patriot Bandmembers! We know that stepping into high school can seem a bit overwhelming, but guess what? We've got something awesome just for you – the Independence Bands! These bands are like a cool little community within the big, exciting world of Independence High School.

Imagine this: there are about 100 of you in these bands, and you'll be split into two or three different groups depending on your ability level. That means you'll get to practice with older students too. Plus, you'll have a blast at concerts, social hangouts, and even fundraisers with other band kids from different grades. It's a chance to make friends, learn from each other, and have a ton of fun!

Now, let's talk about some exciting stuff coming your way. First up, we've got the "Incoming 9th Grade Band Family Orientation" happening in March. Don't worry, we'll give you the exact date closer to the time. At this event, Mr. Collins, the band director, will tell you what to expect for your transition into high school and the band program here. You'll also meet experienced students and parents who'll be there to answer your questions and give you any advice and answer any questions that you might have.

The next thing that you’ll have to get ready for is ensemble auditions. Don't stress, it's not as scary as it sounds. Your middle school band teachers are awesome – they'll help you get ready for it. They'll share the audition music with you, and you'll practice it with their guidance. Then around late March or early April, Mr. Collins will visit your middle school. You'll have a chance to chat with him, show off your musical skills, and ask any burning questions. After that, you'll find out which band group you're in. This will help you pick your classes for 9th grade. If you're from a private or charter school, just reach out to Mr. Collins to set up an audition.

Now, here's a super exciting thing to look forward to – the Independence Band Camp in late July and August! It's held on the Independence High School campus, and it's a blast. This camp is for everyone, even if you're not sure about marching band yet. You'll learn all sorts of cool stuff about playing instruments and marching together. In just two weeks, you'll get ready for an amazing concert with older students. It's a chance to shine and show off what you've learned. Plus, you'll make friends with students from different grades and really find your footing before school even starts.

Remember, if you're in Wind Ensemble or Concert Band, you've gotta be at Band Camp. And guess what? Even if you're in Beginning Band, you can join too. Band Camp is like a big friendship-building party. You'll hang out with older students, and by the time school starts, you'll see familiar faces everywhere.

Oh, and don't forget the Band Picnic in the fall. It's another chance to hang out and feel like you're part of something awesome at Independence High School.

So there you have it! Independence High School Bands are your ticket to an exciting and fun high school experience. Get ready to rock those instruments, make lifelong friends, and have a blast!